August 16, 2021

The Pardot Beginner’s Guide to ParDreamin’ 2021

Discover your place in the Pardot world at ParDreamin' 2021.

ParDreamin’ 2021 has something for everyone who wants to know more about Pardot including people who are new to Pardot.

If you haven’t registered to join us October 26 to 29, then consider this your formal invitation. Go ahead, we’ll be here when you get back. Register for ParDreamin’ now.

Ready? Great! Now let’s talk about your upcoming ParDreamin’ experience.

We’ve gathered the best consultants, marketing champions, solution engineers, and Salesforce customers in the community to talk to you about tackling tasks using Pardot.

Below is an agenda hand-picked for Pardot beginners. You can catch them all at ParDreamin’ 2021. These sessions focus on competencies people who are day-to-day users with limited Pardot experience should work to gain. which includes coding, data management, JavaScript, working with APIs and integrations, and other advanced technical topics.

Note: We’ve listed these sessions in chronological order. You can get details about the event and see the full schedule at ParDreamin’.com.

Pardot beginners guide to pardreamin 2021


Day 1 – Wednesday, October 27

Not Just for Marketers: How to Adopt Pardot Throughout Your Entire Business | 10:50 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. ET
Vicki Moritz-Henry

Many businesses will purchase Pardot, implement it for marketing campaigns and stop there. But there is a whole realm of possibilities. Whatever sector you’re in, your business is made up of more than just your marketing department. So why stop?

In this session, we will go over the various ways you can bring Pardot to your sales, support and any other teams you may have in your business. We’ll give a specific use case of how we at Supermums use Pardot as a powerful tool to add accountability and bring added value to our training programs. You’ll walk away with the tools. All that will be left is to let your creativity flow to adopt Pardot in your various departments — the sky’s the limit!

Presenter: Vicki Moritz-Henry

Hands On: How to Build a Pardot Email Engagement Dashboard in Salesforce | 1:05 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET
Hands On: How to Build a Pardot Email Engagement Dashboard in Salesforce

Do you get excited about Salesforce dashboards and reporting?

Have connected campaigns with Pardot and would love to see email engagement data in one place?

Then, this is the hands-on session for you!

Join Karla Vince, marketing operations manager and Irvine Pardot Community co-leader, for a workshop-style session with step-by-step instructions on how to leverage connected campaigns and Salesforce reporting to create a dynamic Pardot email engagement dashboard.

Presenter: Karla Vince

Future-Proof Your Pardot Org through Solid Requirements Gathering | 1:05 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET

Future-Proof Your Pardot Org through Solid Requirements Gathering

Requirements gathering can sound boring and overkill for marketing projects. But devoting time and effort to it is a must for defining the scope, timeline and budget of your project. That’s because it will ultimately ensure you make your stakeholders happy with the outcome.

In this session, we will discuss how Pardot interacts with other tools in the Salesforce ecosystem. You’ll also learn how to define requirements that work and prevent you from overcustomizing your org and creating technical debt.

Presenters: Lucy Mazalon and Jaime López

Switching from Eloqua to Pardot | 1:35 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Switching from Eloqua to Pardot

Eloqua and Pardot are two of the biggest marketing automation tools out there. Both focus on B2B relationships and provide advanced features to ramp up your email marketing and lead management, making them both ideal tools for businesses with specific needs.

In this ParDreamin’ session, you’ll learn about why companies make the switch to Eloqua, how Eloqua stacks up against Pardot when complicated tasks arise, and best practices for overcoming the hurdles.

  • Benefits of Pardot over Eloqua
  • Honest truth of what is better with Eloqua and how to deal with it in Pardot
  • Lessons learned, costs, challenges
  • Best practices for implementation and pitfalls

Presenter: Zakk Cica

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t! Lead Routing Basics for Pardot Admins | 1:35 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Now You See Me, Now You Don't! Lead Routing Basics for Pardot Admins

On average, 33% of prospects in Pardot databases exist in Pardot only (meaning they’re not syncing to Salesforce). You could have a whole segment of inbound leads that only exist in Pardot waiting to be qualified and assigned in Sales Cloud. So, what happens when there isn’t a plan in place to engage and route these leads?

This session will help you identify how many of your Pardot prospects only live in Pardot and are inactive. Additionally, we will cover different ways to route leads between Salesforce and Pardot. We will discuss how you can leverage the power of marketing automation to make sure your new inbound leads make it to the right team for appropriate follow up. We will outline tips, tricks and gotchas that will help you look like a demand gen hero.

This session is for Pardot admins and anyone who manages leads within your organization at all skill levels.

Presenters: Marcos Duran

Day 2 – Thursday, October 28

Digital Transformation: Kalmar Marketing Automation Competencies Unleashed | 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. ET

Digital Transformation: Kalmar Marketing Automation Competencies Unleashed

Join us as Jenni Laine walks through how Kalmar marketing operations have been agile to transform during a two-and-a-half year journey. This includes the development of Kalmar’s marketing operations processes, capabilities and collaboration.

Salesforce Pardot is now at the heart of everything the Kalmar marketing team does, which enables full transparency and tracking of their customers’ behavior within Kalmar’s digital channels.

Presenter: Jenni Laine

Transitioning Your Mailing System from Mailchimp to Pardot: Get the Monkey Off Your Back | 10:50 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ET

Terry Haynes, CRM manager for Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), shares his experiences migrating the Washington D.C.-based thinktank to Pardot.

In this session, he will discuss:

  • The process of choosing Pardot
  • Transitioning 120+ users from Mailchimp to Pardot
  • Lessons learned along the way

From contract signing to final training, learn the dos and don’ts of transitioning your org’s mailing system to Pardot.

Presenter: Terry Haynes

Salesforce Campaigns: The Strategy Behind the Tool to Boost your Marketing Impact | 10:50 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. ET

Salesforce Campaigns: The Strategy Behind the Tool to Boost your Marketing Impact

In this session, we’ll share the steps you should take to achieve a successful Salesforce campaign management system.

We’ll teach you how to get everyone aligned with the goals of the Salesforce campaigns.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Ensure stakeholders receive expected reporting metrics.
  • Understand the business structure and marketing activity.
  • Prioritize and scope the project.

You’ll also understand the definition of a successful Campaign structure. Let’s compare oranges with oranges; Source, Conversion, and marketing campaigns are completely different concepts you cannot compare against each other. You have to keep it logical, tidy, and actionable.

We’re going to share implementation pro tips as well: Connected Campaigns, Campaign Influences, Campaign Member automated association, Member status, online tracking beyond UTMS… Those things we wish they would have told us.

And last but not least we’ll get to dashboards and reporting. There’s a new world of possibilities at your feet — from Salesforce Dashboard to Tableau CRM.

Presenters: Ivo Campos and Julien Hennico

Not Just for Customers: Pardot for Internal Email Campaigns | 11:20 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. ET

Not Just for Customers: Pardot for Internal Email Campaigns

Last year at ParDreamin’, we dove into the use case of email campaigns to train internal users. As a group we came up with a list of other internal use cases.

Let’s dive into what these use cases are and how you can leverage them at your own organization building partnerships with different departments.

In this session, you’ll learn how to use Pardot for internal email campaigns so you can easily and effectively communicate with your internal team.

Presenter: Kate Lessard

Leads Are People Too: The Necessity of Personalization in B2B Marketing and How to Incorporate More of It | 12:35 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. ET

Leads Are People Too: The Necessity of Personalization in B2B Marketing and How to Incorporate More of It

Hello [first name] cannot be the extent of personalization in B2B marketing. I have seen more orgs refer to leads as companies or opportunities and completely forget that there are humans behind those clicks and deals. While marketing may be running campaigns to target Company XYZ, B2B marketers need to understand that the humans who work at the company are the real target. And those humans have preferences, habits, needs, problems and their own online ecosystems.

In this session, you’ll learn about personalizing your B2B marketing efforts in Pardot to reach real people. We’ll cover buyer roles and their usual personas (price-conscious, information gatherers, test drivers, and decision-makers) how to reach them with multi-channel touchpoints and how to track those in Pardot, how to associate them in Pardot, and how to personalize their content.

  • Grading (for buyer roles and personas) [and a custom field for persona classification based on content interaction]
  • Dynamic content based on that Persona custom field
  • Individualized data and actions using custom redirects (In email questions and social posts)
  • Personalization examples that actually move the needle (solution-based content, 1st party cookie follow-up, and keyword/contextual content using UTMs in your SEM + Pardot campaign strategy)

Fallon Chattaway

Pardot Einstein: The Movement from Rule-Based to Insight-Driven Automation | 1:35 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

Pardot Einstein: The Movement from Rule-Based to Insight-Driven Automation

Attributions you assign to leads may point you in the right direction for a sale, but customer behavior can provide insight into their buying behavior. This allows you to make more informed decisions moving forward.

In this session, we’ll walk through similar use cases for Campaign Attribution as an alternative to Lead Scoring. With Pardot’s new Send Time Optimization, you can also make sure your messages are reaching the right people at the right time.

We’ll discuss:

  • Customer behavior as a driver to buying behavior and how it compares to lead scoring
  • Campaign attribution as an alternative to rule-based campaign influence
  • Einstein Send Time Optimization comes to Pardot (Finally!)
  • Sample business use cases for campaign attribution

Atul Mathur

Day 3 – Friday, October 29

Supporting your Customer Success Team with Pardot | 10:50 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. ET

Supporting your Customer Success Team with Pardot

Pardot marketing doesn’t stop after a closed-won opportunity. Now is the time to team up with your Customer Support Team and build an onboarding journey that increases engagement through gamification.

This session is for people who want to engage new customers to learn more about the service and/or product next steps. You’ll learn how to build a strategy using website content (blogs, knowledge base, webinars, how-to guides) and use Pardot page actions to capture engagement (increase onboarding activity score).

Why do you want to do all of this? Increased engagement = increased trust = increased revenue opportunities

You’ll also learn about the Pardot Engagement Studio building process:

  • Onboarding journey (demo)
  • Engagement score grouping (badges) to get new swag/services/products
  • Template build utilizing HML and dynamic content to show current badge and score needed for next badge/step

And we’ll also provide tips for success:

  • Account-based marketing (ABM) approach with the Customer support team that recognizes how onboarding should be a combination of touches (not just digital)
  • Using Salesforce campaigns to track beyond engagement studio reporting

Kelli Meador

Creating Success Through Consistency | 11:20 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. ET

Creating success through consistencyAshley Anger

If you’re in a large organization that lacks standardization, working with a client that needs guidance creating company-wide standard operating procedures, or are one of many users in your marketing automation platform and you’re all doing things a bit differently, this session is for you!

We’ll be covering key areas and actionable items to create a system that promotes success. Specifically, we’ll talk about the importance of a cohesive digital presence as it pertains to email marketing, website, and social media. We’ll also discuss developing internal documentation and resources to create that consistency among marketing automation platform users.

Presenter:  Ashley Anger

Disrupting Digital Fatigue with Pardot | 1:25 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. ET

Disrupting Digital Fatigue with Pardot

In today’s digital era, customers are inundated with virtual content and webinars. This can lead to the phenomenon we call “Zoom fatigue.”

Marketers want to prevent their efforts from causing Zoom fatigue. They can achieve it when they can personalize, provide smart recommendations, and surface key insights to transform their business. Additionally, sales, service, and marketing work better together when their data is on the same platform and business transforming insights are easily accessible.

A consolidated marketing automation platform is a critical tool in achieving these goals through a digital marketing program. But it’s only as good as the strategy in place. In this session, we will discover how Pardot can disrupt digital fatigue through personalization strategies.

Phil Sobzack joins the session to share how Valpak is disrupting today’s digital fatigue by using direct mail to increase digital engagement. This includes using ABM personalization for key accounts or buyers and using predictive insights to make his campaigns smarter. He goes as far as using B2BMA+ to create a dashboard on subject line engagement per campaign to really understand what messaging is working in his digital campaigns.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Trigger marketing journeys at the right moment from sales to post-sales.
  • Provide personalized and compelling emails that enhance account-based marketing (ABM) and empower sales.
  • Surface business intelligence with updated Pardot Einstein and B2BMA+ for smarter campaigns.

We will go through a digital whiteboarding session to gain perspective on what marketers are doing today to disrupt digital fatigue and explain how Pardot can conceptually help them in that journey. We will use this medium to gain customer attention and show how marketers must think outside the box.

Presenters: Phillip Sobczak and Pallavi Sarup

Demystifying B2B Marketing Analytics Plus | 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET

Prasanna Vijayakumar

Apply recent product innovations from Pardot and Salesforce to support an ABM strategy.

Specific areas we’re going to spend time on include:

  • Identify top accounts
  • Applying Pardot to automate and optimize account engagement
  • Tracking account journeys and surface engaged accounts to the revenue teams
  • Identifying KPIs to evaluate and optimize your ABM campaigns

Prasanna Vijayakumar

Get ready for the only 3-day virtual conference that’s all about Pardot

There’s still time to register! Tell your friends to grab their tickets and save a spot for these sessions. There’s something for every Pardot user.

You can get more from your ParDreamin’ experience through pre-conference training workshops. These one and four-hour courses take place October 26, which is the day before the big conference event. 

Check out the Pardot Fundamentals to learn how B2B Marketing Analytics can help maximize marketing and sales efforts with advanced analytics. Explore your data, get insights into your marketing performance, and quickly take data-driven actions.

Contact the team at Sercante to learn more about ParDreamin’ or anything else your Pardot heart desires.

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